Supreme Sirens: Iconic Black Women Who Revolutionised Music
From entertainment journalist and fashion stylist Marcellas Reynolds, the author of Supreme Models and Supreme Actresses, comes the third installment of the celebrated series, Supreme Sirens: Iconic Black Women Who Revolutionised Music, the first-ever art book to honour the Black female singers and musicians who dominate the music industry.
Supreme Sirens chronicles the most influential and successful Black performers - from legendary jazz chanteuse Billie Holiday to the queen of soul Aretha Franklin, and from glamorous girl groups such as the Supremes to modern, iconic superstars including Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Janet Jackson. Through exquisite photographs, personal interviews, short biographies, and career milestones, Reynolds details how these women’s music and careers have become the soundtrack of our lives.
Supreme Sirens shares the power and wisdom of women who are at the forefront of entertainment; women who have overcome racial prejudice and redefined contemporary notions of Black women by breaking glass ceilings and tearing down barriers in the recording studio and on stage and screen.
240 pages.
Author: Marcellas Reynolds.
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