Art School In A Box - Print Making
Unleash your inner printmaker with the Artful Print Making box.
Dive into the world of printmaking with this comprehensive Artful craft box, meticulously curated to ignite your creativity. This all-in-one kit is a gateway to the mesmerising realm of print design, featuring high-quality materials, step-by-step guides, and expert tips.
From linocut essentials to carving tools, inks, and premium paper, every component is handpicked to inspire and empower budding artists. Embrace the joy of crafting unique prints, whether you're a novice or a seasoned creator.
This box contains:
- 1 x roller
- 1 x carving tool
- 1 x cartridge paper pad
- 3 x 50ml acrylic paints (blue, red, black)
- 3 x lino sheets
- 1 x tutorial book
The rigid, colourful box is designed to protect its contents.
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390 Coldharbour Lane
London SW9 8LF
020 7733 1488